
A Recommended Place to Watch Authentic Balinese Traditional Mask Dance in Ubud

A Recommended Place to Watch Authentic Balinese Traditional Mask Dance in Ubud

You need to relax for a while after exploring destinations in Ubud. Watching mask dance in Ubud is one of the recommended ways to relax yourself. Just like the name of the dance, the dancers are wearing masks while dancing and the theatrical performance.

The combination of unique movements and sounds from the traditional music instrumentals seems to satisfy your eyes and mind. Nowadays, you can just visit Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant to watch mask dance in Ubud.

Mask Dance is a Daily Event at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant

You don’t have to wait for traditional Balinese ceremonies only to watch an authentic mask dance performance in Ubud. All you have to do is visit Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant. This restaurant has a variety of special daily events, including a Balinese mask dance performance. You can go to this restaurant on Thursday at 07.00 p.m.

Alternatively, reserve your spot at the restaurant for an intimate set dinner event. Then, you can request a mask dance performance for the background show and music. It is a great alternative if you can’t go to the restaurant on Thursday night.

You can set this event anytime you want. The staff will accompany the show with special menus and wine to enjoy during the dance performance.

The Location to Watch Mask Dance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant

No need to get confused to find the location to watch the mask dance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant. Enter the entrance of the restaurant and ask about it to the staff. The staff will guide you to go to the location of the mask dance performance. Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant often holds this traditional Balinese dance performance on the first floor.

Another Event to Enjoy While Watching Mask Dance

The good thing about watching mask dance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant is that you can also enjoy another event. For instance, the management of the restaurant also designs a specific event known as the regular A La Carte and cocktails promotion. The chef is about to prepare special meals you can enjoy at night while enjoying the performance.

Just choose your favorite meals, sit, and enjoy all the dishes. Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant also has a variety of cocktails that will be offered at this event. For example, this restaurant has grapes on grapes sour cocktails.

It is a combination of dry gin, red grapes, lemon juice, and float. There is also a cocktail known as Ubud Strawberry Mojito. The magic taste of this cocktail will blow your mind. The chef mixes light rum, strawberry fruit, lime juice, and sugar in this cocktail.

Imagine how great to enjoy the special meals and cocktails, along with a mask dance performance as the additional attraction. It is a perfect way to relax yourself at night in Ubud. 

The Way to Reserve a Table to Enjoy Mask Dance Performance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant

You must reserve a table first before enjoying the mask dance performance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant. Relax! The way to reserve a table for this special event in this restaurant is so easy and fast. Visit the official website,

Then, click on the book menu at the top of the homepage of the website. Pick the date you want to go to the restaurant and the number of people who will go with you. Indeed, you must pick Thursday at 07.00 p.m. since you want to watch a mask dance performance.

Send your request for a private event, such as a romantic dinner with a mask dance performance as the special show in this restaurant. Confirm your table reservation and wait for the confirmation from the restaurant. Show your reservation confirmation to the staff once you arrive. The staff will guide you to go to the table you have reserved to enjoy the mask dance.

Tips to Watch Mask Dance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant

There are some tips you can consider to watch mask dance at Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant. First, ensure that you are in the restaurant at least 30 minutes before the show. You must go to the restaurant on time to enjoy the mask dance performance from the beginning. The sensation of watching this dance from the beginning and in the middle of the show is different.

Second, order some great menu you can enjoy at night or for dinner. Indeed, having dinner with a mask dance performance will give you a new experience while spending time in Ubud. Third, reserve a perfect spot in the performance area in the restaurant, so you can sit, enjoy the menu, and watch the dance comfortably. The point is that you don’t need to get confused anymore if you want to watch a mask dance performance in Ubud. You even don’t have to go outside Ubud only to run after this dance performance. Shrida Taste of Ubud Restaurant will facilitate you with an authentic traditional Balinese mask dance performance. You can even watch the mask dance while enjoying special meals and cocktails.  


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