
Shrida’s Jamoe – Enjoy Delicious Turmeric Beverage and Its 6 Health Benefits

Shrida’s Jamoe – Enjoy Delicious Turmeric Beverage and Its 6 Health Benefits

Turmeric has quite a strong taste. Because of that, people use it mainly as spice for foods. Recently, people have found another way to enjoy Turmeric. They make it into juice.

Turmeric juice became popular because of one thing. It has a delicious and exotic taste. Additionally, people drink this juice to get its health benefits. We can even say that the health benefits are responsible for attracting many people to enjoy this drink. Now, let’s see the benefits of Turmeric juice.

The Antioxidant for Body

Turmeric contains high antioxidants. They are needed to solve various health problems. Mostly, we get those health problems because of the free radicals’ exposure. Unfortunately, the environmental condition today is not healthy. Too bad, people get more exposure to free radicals much easier thanks to that. It occurs a lot to individuals who live and work in major cities.

Because of that, Turmeric juice is necessary. It helps your body to recover from free radical exposure. Moreover, it also protects it from its dangerous effects.

Control Diabetes

Turmeric helps you to manage your blood sugar status. It can improve the diabetes treatment that you are currently using. Turmeric can boost insulin levels.

Furthermore, Turmeric can reduce the condition that gives your body high insulin resistance. This benefit can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. However, you should consult your physician before you use Turmeric juice as an additional diabetes treatment. 

It Might Prevent Cancer

The study has found that Turmeric can control cancer cell growth. It shows a significant result for the cancer cells in various areas of the body, like colon or breast cancer. It also shows the effect of preventing the new blood vessels from growing in the tumor, which prevents metastasis.

Turmeric’s benefit as the protection against free radicals also plays a big part in its ability to prevent cancer. Free radicals are a cancer agent. Long exposure to this substance can stimulate the mutation of your cells. That could lead to the appearance of cancer cells. Turmeric deals with the root of this problem, the free radicals.

Lower Cholesterol Level

We all know high cholesterol is a big no. It is even worse when that is the bad cholesterol. Controlling eating style is the best way to deal with this problem. Then, consuming additional healthy food and drinks, like Turmeric juice, will improve the result even further.

Yes, Turmeric has what you need to lower your cholesterol level. It helps your body to reduce plaque buildup in the blood vessels. More importantly, it lowers the risk of various cardiovascular problems.

For Treating Alzheimer’s Disease

We haven’t found a study about Turmerics for treating Alzheimer’s. Yet, we believe it has the property that helps that area. It can lower the inflammation. That means preventing degeneration of the neuron activities in your brain. Therefore, consuming Turmeric, in this case, Turmeric juice can prevent the development of Alzheimer’s.

Treating Skin Condition

Inside this ingredient, you can find powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These two have a significant role in your skin health. It helps the skin to recover from wounds.

Turmeric also improves the skin regeneration process. That process is necessary to make your skin look smoother and younger. Make sure you consult with your doctor before consuming Turmeric juice. It is necessary to prevent any side effects if you turn out to have a Turmeric allergy.

Where to Get It

You can make it yourself. The Internet has all kinds of recipes to make Turmeric juice with its variation. However, if you want something special, there is only one place we can recommend. It is called Shrida Taste of Ubud.

Shrida offers one of the finest meal experiences in Ubud and Bali. One of this restaurant’s beverage menus uses Turmeric. It is called Shrida’s Jamoe.

Jamoe or Jamu is a traditional drink from Indonesia. Shrida makes the Balinese jamoe using various ingredients, such as honey, lemon juice, and Turmeric. Therefore, we can consider this beverage a Turmeric juice.

The taste is delicious. However, you will get more surprises when you feel the health benefits after consuming this delightful beverage. It removes your fatigue, refreshes your mind, and you will feel energized because it also boosts the body’s metabolism.

Of course, Shrida also has more. They have various authentic Balinese menus and other international menus. This restaurant even serves a fusion menu you won’t find elsewhere.

Final Words

Enjoying Turmeric juice will give you so many health benefits. It becomes even better if you can enjoy this beverage at the best spots in one of the most beautiful islands in the world, Bali. Therefore, when you have time to visit Bali, visit Ubud and eat at Shrida restaurant. Get the Turmeric juice beverage and experience one of the greatest meal times there!


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